Friday, March 12, 2010

Dear Mr. Dryer...

Print Friendly and PDF Its been couple days that our dryer decided that enough is enough and it was time to say good bye to us...He left us there stranded...My new load of freshly washed laundry..thanks to Mr. Washer was left to dry by itself or find a replacement.

No, No before you all run to conclusions and think I'm losing my mind- Let me explain the situation. We in this technology advanced era have gotten so used to the household appliances that many a times we just take them for granted. Maybe if we show a little gratitude to the services provided by them and being there for us when we need would be fair on them.. Of course they are machines..they have no feelings..You are absolutely right...But a thought just crossed my mind and for a moment just lets pretend they have feelings. So I decided to show my gratitude to the unsung heroes(appliances) in our household and thought it would be appropriate to address them as Mr. Washer, Mr. Dryer etc.. Why not right...after all they are with us day in day out... So Mr. Dryer maybe you just need a day to rest or maybe you are in a coma--please come back , we all need you..the clothes love you..and need your warmth. We homemakers and busy moms can't work without you. You have been an integral part of our lives. Mr. Appliance Doctor is on its way and I hope can see whats wrong and can fix you.. Everything is going to be fine.


  1. Lol! yep, the unsung heroes indded. I can't imagine what to do without themk, especially washer drier. I can do witout dish washer but never washer drier. Hope yours get well soon. Lol!

  2. That sure was a good write. True, we do not think of them unless they break down. 'Get well soon', Mr.Dryer at the earliest.

  3. They strike our minds when they strike back at us..... letting us know that it was high time we gave them their due.... their service or repairs or rather REST...... before they decide to REST IN 'PIECE'....... ;-)


  4. Loved ur wite up Dolly :)Hope appliance dr has fixed it by now.

  5. Thank you all for ur kind words and good wishes..Mr. Dryer is happy to know that you all care for him. The Appliance Doctor has given his verdict that he needs a transplant...Which will take place in couple days...

  6. So are u according the same respect to the new dryer;-D
